Category: The Irish News Quick Crossword Answers
9-May-2019 | Page 1 of 1 | Crossword Answers 911

  1. 1.Arrogate
  2. 2.Afflict
  3. 3.Sequence
  4. 4.Forward
  5. 5.Merrymaker
  6. 6.Tract
  7. 7.Mass departure
  8. 8.Priestly
  9. 9.Sauce
  10. 10.Freight
  11. 11.Sour
  12. 12.Cows
  13. 13.Invisible
  14. 14.Certain
  15. 15.Ardour
  16. 16.Prohibition
  17. 17.Grade
  18. 18.Remedy
  19. 19.Prodigality
  20. 20.Fanatical
  21. 21.Tidings
  22. 22.Debar
  23. 23.Extension
  24. 24.Harden