Category: The Irish News Quick Crossword Answers
29-April-2019 | Page 1 of 1 | Crossword Answers 911

  1. 1.Luggage
  2. 2.Complete
  3. 3.Dally
  4. 4.Annoyance
  5. 5.Unfamiliar
  6. 6.Halter
  7. 7.Entice
  8. 8.Apprehend
  9. 9.Originate
  10. 10.Agree
  11. 11.Prisoner
  12. 12.Revolt
  13. 13.Fruit
  14. 14.Very sad
  15. 15.Garment
  16. 16.Untouched
  17. 17.Respect
  18. 18.Of pottery
  19. 19.Under
  20. 20.For preference
  21. 21.Apparition
  22. 22.Gifts
  23. 23.Excuse
  24. 24.Began