Least forward Crossword Clue

HomePublisherDaily American12 February 2024
Are you trying to find the solution for the crossword Least forward without success?
We have some great news for you! check the best answer below:

Best Answer:

Understanding Today's Crossword Puzzle

The clue "Least forward" has the answer "SHIEST". Here's an explanation of why this clue has this answer:

1. The clue "Least forward" is a descriptive phrase that refers to someone who is not very outgoing or forward in their behavior.

2. To solve this clue, we need to find a word that means "least forward" or "least outgoing".

3. The word "shy" fits this description perfectly, as it means being timid or reserved. However, the clue is asking for the "least" forward, so we need to find the superlative form of "shy".

4. Adding the suffix "-est" to "shy" creates the word "shiest", which is the superlative form meaning "the most shy" or "the least forward" among a group.

5. Therefore, "SHIEST" is the correct answer to the clue "Least forward".

By carefully considering the meaning of the clue and applying grammatical rules, we can determine that the answer should be "SHIEST". Crosswords challenge our linguistic and analytical skills by requiring us to think creatively and make connections between words and their meanings.

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 The Crossword clue "Least forward" published 18 time/s & has 2 answer/s. 
Daily American12 February 2024SHIEST
New York Times24 January 2021COYEST
L.A. Times Daily20 March 2019SHIEST
Thinks.com12 September 2010SHIEST

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