Category: – Concise Crossword Answers
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  1. 1.Paving block
  2. 2.Small rodents
  3. 3.Liquid measure
  4. 4.Teenage years
  5. 5.Steel tower
  6. 6.Continent
  7. 7.Confront
  8. 8.Envelop
  9. 9.In this way
  10. 10.Cup match
  11. 11.Retaliatory action
  12. 12.In what place?
  13. 13.Make out
  14. 14.Grumble
  15. 15.Slender
  16. 16.Apartment
  17. 17.Open resistance
  18. 18.Subjugate by force
  19. 19.Yellow bird
  20. 20.Verdant
  21. 21.Up above
  22. 22.Ready money
  23. 23.Make beer
  24. 24.Tavern
  25. 25.Burden
  26. 26.Prelude
  27. 27.Piece of cast metal
  28. 28.Information
  29. 29.Law-making body
  30. 30.Party-giver
  31. 31.Consecrate
  32. 32.Hot under the collar
  33. 33.Wander
  34. 34.Enquire intrusively
  35. 35.Simple
  36. 36.Tough outer layer
  37. 37.Laundry
  38. 38.Disinclination to move
  39. 39.Well-known
  40. 40.Lengthy
  41. 41.Male sibling
  42. 42.Type of road bridge
  43. 43.Aid in the form of money
  44. 44.Rapid rise
  45. 45.Tally
  46. 46.Border
  47. 47.Church service
  48. 48.See note
  49. 49.Betting chances
  50. 50.Beginning
  51. 51.Variety of pea
  52. 52.Power point
  53. 53.Shoe part
  54. 54.Line of descent
  55. 55.Wading bird
  56. 56.Forecast
  57. 57.Get off a ship
  58. 58.Inert gas
  59. 59.Rugby restart
  60. 60.Thin porridge
  61. 61.Work of fiction
  62. 62.Pacific Ocean warming
  63. 63.Ancient British tribe
  64. 64.Little devil
  65. 65.Wet dirt
  66. 66.Hold in respect
  67. 67.Type of number
  68. 68.Cadaver
  69. 69.NCO
  70. 70.Fix securely
  71. 71.Felt or velvet hat
  72. 72.Bedroom furniture item
  73. 73.Monarch
  74. 74.Sloping roof beams
  75. 75.Hit
  76. 76.Cricket fielding position
  77. 77.Risky
  78. 78.Cling
  79. 79.Pen part
  80. 80.Experience
  81. 81.Heedlessly rash
  82. 82.Uncomfortable
  83. 83.Abundant
  84. 84.Live in harmony
  85. 85.Waterproof jacket
  86. 86.Fish
  87. 87.Wildebeest
  88. 88.Old coin
  89. 89.North Yorkshire river
  90. 90.Circular building
  91. 91.Sensational
  92. 92.Belief
  93. 93.Playhouse
  94. 94.Suet pudding
  95. 95.Orange liqueur
  96. 96.Dark brown fur
  97. 97.Tooth
  98. 98.Artist's studio
  99. 99.Not strict
  100. 100.Leg part
  101. 101.Twirl
  102. 102.Frequently
  103. 103.Very small child
  104. 104.Inconsistent
  105. 105.Light anchor
  106. 106.Melee
  107. 107.Hint
  108. 108.Bewilder
  109. 109.Pudding
  110. 110.Fireplace floor
  111. 111.Desert animal
  112. 112.Limit
  113. 113.Russian pancakes
  114. 114.Loose scrum
  115. 115.Vex playfully
  116. 116.Specify
  117. 117.Small barrel
  118. 118.Self-image
  119. 119.Widespread
  120. 120.Foot soldiers
  121. 121.Heavy weapons
  122. 122.Fuss
  123. 123.Steal from
  124. 124.Pomegranate syrup
  125. 125.Reprimand
  126. 126.Achievement
  127. 127.Edible mollusc
  128. 128.Mythical creature
  129. 129.Treatment
  130. 130.Leg joint
  131. 131.Fourscore
  132. 132.Leap
  133. 133.Brackets
  134. 134.Claimed
  135. 135.Inspect
  136. 136.Marine mammal
  137. 137.Powerful
  138. 138.Forbidden
  139. 139.Period of time
  140. 140.Vibrating humming sound
  141. 141.Flying insect
  142. 142.Leaping insect
  143. 143.Sycophantic follower
  144. 144.Body of water
  145. 145.Converse
  146. 146.Tryst
  147. 147.Ink stain
  148. 148.Jockey's clothing
  149. 149.Intestines
  150. 150.Discharge

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